"I was on the On Street Prayer team. My sister attended The Moody Bible Institute & did street ministry but I had never heard of anyone doing it since.
It rains nearly every day in Ireland, we passed out tea, coffee, and soup and invited them to join us for the Sunday service/finale of iHeart Derry at the Guild hall.
Throughout the week we met people from Poland, Italy,The Netherlands, and a couple of teachers from Spain with 90 students who were taking exams. They were staying at Ulster University where we were also staying.They did not have transportation and had to walk long distances to get anywhere.
There was someone from the Bahai Faith, a Far Eastern religion which resembles Universalism-- whatever you think God is--is OK. They are very gentle people. I asked him about the Hindus who have a million Gods. How do they know which is the right one? Some people came back to talk every day.
There was a Dutchman who said he was ready to come back to church. He liked to talk about theology. One day he
The Nebraska group said they had several accept Christ as their Savior. When Sunday, came people kept coming until the auditorium was filled! The Dutchman was all smiles. He said a lady on the internet had taken the cats. After the service he said it was the best sermon he ever heard."-Jeanne Orr
"Jeanne and I are blessed and thankful to have been a part of this ministry of community outreach! I found our trip to Ireland and the outreach experience at Cornerstone Church to be very challenging and rewarding. It is inspiring to see so many young people involved in this ministry. This is due, I am sure, to the overall vision that takes this church in it's outreach to the community of Derry.
I worked mainly with the group that performed community services projects in the downtown area. We cut brush, cleaned walk areas, and did restoration work on storefronts. Our group also did cleanup work at the new church building. All of this is having a powerful impact on the community! May the Lord continue His blessing on this outreach. 'Where there is no vision the people perish." Proverbs 29:18 ' "
-Carl Orr