Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Laughter With Locals

July 12, 2016

Today a seller by the road told Dennis that he should marry a Ukrainian girl because they are the most beautiful girls on the whole planet...and good housewives
One night a boy named Andre lay in Haley's hammock. He was saying "Do you speak English? But he didn't know our tent was next door. As he said this Dennis said "DA!" (It means yes) in a very loud voice. 
Dennis and Mary ate some shrimp eggs. Dennis ate Salo - Ukrainian pig fat. 
A man at the market, said we were dumb, so the man we were talking to gave us presents and yelled at the mean man. "What's wrong with you, they came from America!"
We went to a bakery and the girl behind the counter started laughing - we aren't sure why - so hard and she had to duck behind the counter and laugh- literally ROFL. Mr. Nate thinks she was talking about us and she didn't know Mary knew Russian until Mary said the baklava was Ukrainian in Russian. 
Mary and Lydia and Haley bought some fruit from two guys and they also didn't know Mary could understand Russian. After she talked, he said "I didn't think you could understand our language!" Hahahah
Everyone has learned a lot of Russian. 
Mary asked the honey seller "did you make this yourself?" And he said "of course not! Bees make honey! Hahahah
Mr. Nate got a blanket. 
The international trade ideas we will bring to Ukraine are: 
1. Slushie machines
2. Laundry mats
3. Sherman William paint stores
4. Purdue brushes
5. Toilet paper to the US

It's a veritable schmorgesborgue here. 
So much fruit :))))))))

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