Thursday, August 4, 2016

Regular Update

We are finished with the camps and are relaxing in the city. Our relaxation involves going to the giant bazar, learning Russian, going on strange "excursions" and having lots of fun. 

We miss Mr. Nate and Audrey, who made our team completely perfect. We also miss our camp- but we do not miss the food, which was very very awful this year and made our stomachs hurt and ourselves sick. 

Praise to God, no one is sick anymore or dead. It is a good thing that we made this trip so long, otherwise we would have been sick for the entire time. 

We went to help clean up at the camp a day ago, this was very interesting because there was a group of helpers, who didn't want us to clean up. 

The scuba diver told us "Go swim! On the sea! Then clean!" But we told him that we like to work. 

He also said "по-английский - Haley, I like byecause- very beautiful girl" and we laughed so hard. 

Haley and Mary used a tent without a zipped door for their changing room, because we took down all the tents...(foreshadowing....) Haley was going to change, and she said "I don't need to make someone hold the door...I will just change real quick" Just before she was changing, scuba diver man came and whipped open the door and exclaimed "Haley!" 

Scuba diver man - who we think was drunk, kept arguing with Lёsha. He was arguing for the second time and came stomping away, feeling victorious, looked at us with a big smile and said "а это правда", as if trying to convince us - but he said it like a child..:) 

First mistake we made - to make the "alcoholics" as Maksim calls them angry - was Mary and Lydia cleaned up a tent, without looking inside to see if anyone lived there...only after they had collapsed it, did they notice it was filled with belongings, which they threw on the dirt, because everyone had decided that it was time they left the camp anyways. 

Lydia was a witness of the brown man who came to find his tent gone and his belongings on a table in the middle of camp.
"Nope- no comments, I went away, I knew he knew I was the one who took it down, so I went away. He just dug through his pile of stuff and first pulled out his charger and his bat."

The second mistake we made, to make the men mad, was when we cleaned up the swimming pool. It had hardly any water and lots of green slime. When Vova came over and questioned what we were doing and who told us to take it down...Mary didn't apologize, she just translated and Vova said "Where are we going to wash, we will be so dirty"  then Haley said "Душ!"and she made a little walking person symbol with her hand and showed Vova that there were showers down at the beach. He gave up and said "fine! Thank you." But he was smiling, so Mary thinks he wasn't that mad...after all, Haley was his favorite. 

As we were loading the giant bus, Vova found a ёжик, that was so friendly and he handed it to Haley saying, "подарок". Haley says, "This is a very good podarok!" He was very curious, and friendly, and he sat in her hands and just looked around. "He's very prickly too." 

After we had loaded everything, eaten shashliki (the most common picnic Ukrainian summer meal) - (Mary still isn't sure if she says "picnic" or "battle" ...) Dennis/Grant helped cook the shashliki, he's a good Ukrainian boy. 

We asked Maksim to let us ride on all the stuff in the back of the bus. Haley said "this feels like a third world country" We were piled on top of the stuff and we drove away from the camp and started singing songs. After we had bumped along the road, through Kotoskovo, we dropped off all the stuff at the gypsy church in Palarma. 

The man who lives there as a guard, wouldn't open the front door.. "He is a bad boy" was Maksim's explanation. Instead, we opened a window and we shoved all the stuff from the bus through the window. (Did we mention that there were 100 tents, 300 sleeping bags, pillows, and heavy mattresses, 3 bags of shoes)

Every time the girls tried to take something heavy, the Ukrainian men would say "No! Not for girls" or "You still need to have children! May it be so!" We tried to take the bags of shoes (about hundred pounds) and run with that no one would catch us. 

"I got away, but Sasha caught me when I got tired" - Lydia 

Then we rode home, in an empty McDonald's truck, as Lesha showed us, by "ordering" through the middle window. 

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